Jin Shin Jyutsu® – The Return to Harmony
“Jin Shin Jyutsu® is an ancient art of harmonizing the life energy in the body. It can be applied as self-help or by a trained practitioner. It is a gentle art, practiced by placing fingertips (over clothing) on ‘safety energy locks’, to restore the energy flow. It is a simple & powerful tool, available to all.” ©jsjinc.net
Jin Shin Jyutsu (translated as the Art of the Creator through compassionate human) helps us heal mind & spirit through the body, & vice versa. As Awareness lets go of stress and returns to the breath, we return to the Universal flow. Our hands are always with us, so Self-Help flows and mudras can relax and re-charge us at any time, in any place.
Self-Help® can be as simple as holding a finger.
Suzanne is available for Jin Shin Jyustu Self-Help® workshops and presentations. Prior locations include Barnes & Noble book talks, Autoimmune support group at Brick Hospital, and Mended Hearts Meetings at Riverview Medical Center & Bayshore Hospital.